We did really well today. Got up early, packed up quickly (for us), ate a quick breakfast and were on the road by 7:30 am. Heading out of the Keys was great. The sky was clear, the traffic was minimal and the temperature was pleasant. We made excellent time and were in Miami before we knew it. A quick fill again of the gas tanks and we got on the Florida Turnpike. We had learned it was easier for one of us to struggle with toll money, so BMRPop volunteered to always pay for all of us. At the first toll we were surprised by a random act of kindness. The car in front of us paid for all three of us!! After we got through the gate, I caught up with the car and waved my thanks. Czookie also waved as she passed. We later learned from BMRPop that we had waved to the wrong car. Well, that explains the odd stares from the folks in the car!!
The Florida turnpike was an excellent way to go. We had great weather, and there was less traffic than the parallel I-95. After our break for lunch and gas in Ft. Pierce we headed north on I-95 towards Daytona Beach. And then the rains came. At first they were refreshing and we dried in between downpours. But then the rains turned into full fledged thunderstorms with dark skies, winds and lightning. After about 1/2 hour wait under an overpass, we ventured out again only to be caught a second time in a horrible storm. We were so wet (and cold) that we declared it a full day, although we were short of our mileage goal. It was hard to remember that earlier in the day we had actually anticipated surpassing our goal and trying to get to Jacksonville. Oh well.
The hotel room is decorated with wet clothes, gloves and jackets everywhere. I hope we are dry by morning!!
1 comment:
Happy 4th of July, dont get distracted by the fireworks, and have a great ride!
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