Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Big Picture

The route is constantly being tweaked, but this is the general idea. It is a large figure eight. Currently the plan is to start in Key West, then ride north to Maine and then cross the country to San Ysidro. Omaha is the crossover point. We will probably service the bikes and change tires there both times we stop.

Bad boot news. The zipper tangs on the new Set Ups broke off. Burgma says they were plastic. She replaced the broken tangs with key chain loops and so far they work fine, but she is worried that the zippers themselves will break. I plan to try wearing them unzipped with just the velcro flaps closed to see if they can be worn that way. If so, I will not be too anxious about the possibility of zipper failure on the road.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Make It Right

To do the four corners challenge with my parents is the opportunity of a lifetime. To finish the trip will not only be a huge personal accomplishment but to finish with my family will be unbelievably rewarding. Just starting the planning process of the trip has brought me closer with both my parents. I feel so lucky to be able to do something like this.

After having moved to Baton Rouge LA a year ago, I realized how unlucky so many families were after Katrina. Even years later the city is still in need of a lot of help. We have decided to use our trip to promote and raise money for organizations that are helping to re-build the city. The Make It Right New Orleans project seemed to be a perfect fit, since it was founded by Brad Pitt a motorcycle enthusiast.

"The Mission of Make It Right is clear: It is to be a catalyst for redevelopment of the Lower 9th Ward, by building a neighborhood comprised of safe and healthy homes that are inspired by Cradle to Cradle thinking, with an emphasis on a high quality of design, while preserving the spirit of the community's culture. The goal is to accomplish this quickly, so that the first residents can begin returning to their homes as soon as possible. "

We are hoping that through our trip we can help spread the word about the great things Make It Right is doing, as well as inspire people to donate and make a difference. You can keep track of how much we have raised by checking out our Team House called the Long Road Home ( ). If you feel so moved to do so, please donate!