Sunday, June 29, 2008

Miami Heat

We made a good start from Cordele,Georgia and ended just south of Miami. Effective mileage 540, just 40 shy of our longest projected day on the four corners.
The morining was mostly clear with some periods of overcast but no rain. Scattered showers in the afternoon were just enough to cool everyone off without leaving any moisture in clothes or baggage.
The scary incidents today were a ladder in the HOV lane and a frightened black dog in the middle lane. The dog survived unhurt, but the ladder did not. The second car ahead of Burgma hit the ladder and blew out both front tires. No one was hurt.
I am taking a picture of every gas station we patronize. I forgot at the first stop today, but fortunately Burgma snapped a shot of Czookie with her purple earplugs on location. I am planning a fascinating slide show of +/- 90 gas stations from Florida to Maine to southern California to Washington state and points in between. Isthisagreatcountryorwhat!

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