Last night the three of us sat down and went over the gear that we need to take. We pretty much decided that except for the tools, we would all carry our own gear. There had been discussions of having one bag that has all the camping equipment in it, but we decided that everyone is going to carry their own camping equipment.
I strapped on my saddlebags today and rode around. I like them. They are big but not TOO big for the size of the bike. They also have a waterproof/dust proof liner which I think will come in handy. I tried to use the map holder that Burgma had purchased today as well but was displeased. There really isn't a good way to get it tight enough on the handlebars to keep it from blowing around. My plan is to just have a note card with the days route written down.
1 comment:
I will be riding along with you in spirit. I have always dreamed of taking such a journey and will be keeping up with your entries. Ride safe and have fun.
Kevin M. Broussard
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