We rolled into the Keys at about noon EST today. It was a nice day with a few short showers that cooled us off. We spent the afternoon roaming around the island seeing all Key West has to offer. Our first stop was of course lunch! When on an island, one must eat seafood. When in Key West, one must eat Key Lime Pie! After a satisfying meal we walked by Ernest Hemingway's house, the Pan American World Airways first office, and The Little White House. Apparently, Harry Truman spent more time here in Key West during his presidency than any other president. I probably would too!
Monday, June 30, 2008
One corner down three more to go.
We rolled into the Keys at about noon EST today. It was a nice day with a few short showers that cooled us off. We spent the afternoon roaming around the island seeing all Key West has to offer. Our first stop was of course lunch! When on an island, one must eat seafood. When in Key West, one must eat Key Lime Pie! After a satisfying meal we walked by Ernest Hemingway's house, the Pan American World Airways first office, and The Little White House. Apparently, Harry Truman spent more time here in Key West during his presidency than any other president. I probably would too!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Miami Heat
We made a good start from Cordele,Georgia and ended just south of Miami. Effective mileage 540, just 40 shy of our longest projected day on the four corners.
The morining was mostly clear with some periods of overcast but no rain. Scattered showers in the afternoon were just enough to cool everyone off without leaving any moisture in clothes or baggage.
The scary incidents today were a ladder in the HOV lane and a frightened black dog in the middle lane. The dog survived unhurt, but the ladder did not. The second car ahead of Burgma hit the ladder and blew out both front tires. No one was hurt.
I am taking a picture of every gas station we patronize. I forgot at the first stop today, but fortunately Burgma snapped a shot of Czookie with her purple earplugs on location. I am planning a fascinating slide show of +/- 90 gas stations from Florida to Maine to southern California to Washington state and points in between. Isthisagreatcountryorwhat!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Staring off in the rain
On the Way
Thank you to the siblings, inlaws and friends for a warm breakfast send off this morning. Day one of the prologue is drawing to a close. The morning was clear and sunny. Our last stop in Tennessee for about a month was lake Nickajack. South of Atlanta we stopped for a late lunch. Dark clouds were rolling in and we covered the bikes. Within 10 minutes it poured. Lots of wind and lightning. We waited until it was clear, gassed up and headed south. The rest of the day was filled with rain delays as we kept riding right back into the storm. Nevertheless we made it to Cordele, GA, before retiring for the night. Daily effective mileage = 390. Tomorrow's objective is Miami.
Monday, June 23, 2008
The logo!

Last night the three of us sat down and went over the gear that we need to take. We pretty much decided that except for the tools, we would all carry our own gear. There had been discussions of having one bag that has all the camping equipment in it, but we decided that everyone is going to carry their own camping equipment.
I strapped on my saddlebags today and rode around. I like them. They are big but not TOO big for the size of the bike. They also have a waterproof/dust proof liner which I think will come in handy. I tried to use the map holder that Burgma had purchased today as well but was displeased. There really isn't a good way to get it tight enough on the handlebars to keep it from blowing around. My plan is to just have a note card with the days route written down.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
It's getting close

So we are getting closer ad closer till we leave. Ever since we started talking about doing this trip I have been really excited. Now that it's getting closer, I'm starting to get a little more anxious than excited. There are always those "what if" thoughts that can take over your excitement and send you into an anxious downward spiral. Reading the blog from our last trip has helped pull me out of the anxious mode and more into the excitement mode. Also getting BB (my V-Strom... or WEEE-Strom as some call it) back from the shop today and riding her around, got me pumped about the trip. The only thing to do now is start packing!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Smoky Mountain Shakedown
Last weekend I had meeting in Gatlinburg and came back through the Smokey Mountains National Park. The scene above is from Cade's Cove. I tried the case liners and practiced on the gentle twisties in the park. My Dad lives nearby and I spent a couple nights and Fathers Day with him. The surprising thing is that although I only rode 2-4 hours per day, my shoulders were sore when I arrived home. In two weeks it will be 8-10 hours per day. I asked CZookie to recommend some exercises/stretches to get ready. I hope there is enough time to prepare. She also suggested some massage techniques. Tomorrow I will make an appointment to have my bike serviced and add auxiliary lights.
We are counting down now.