Before we had even started on the trip there was talk of commemorating the accomplishment with a tattoo (done at Miami Ink or LA Ink, we joked). BurgMa had designed the trip logo for the safety vests, shirts, and the business cards, and a variation of this same logo seemed appropriate as the basis of the tattoo design. As the trip progressed, Czookie and Bmrpop fine tuned their tattoo design to be just the infinity sign with 4 stars. It has enough to be memorable of the trip but still had mystery.
Based on Czookie's experience with tattoos, it was decided to wait until the trip was completed before getting the new tattoos. We didn't want to have to worry about bumping them or having tender sites. On Saturday, after a hot day on the disc golf course, the group headed to Emperor Tattoo for the 4:00 appointment with ED. Czookie had met with him the day before, given him the design and set the appointments.
Bmrpop went first and had decided upon the design to be placed upon his inner left calf. At the last moment, he decided on the stars to have some shaded color and at ED's suggestion of choosing bright colors, selected a teal.
Czookie went second and had selected the backside of her upper left hip. She had the same design as Bmrpop with the same teal colored stars.
While waiting Burgma took pictures, perused all the tattoo books, browsed the art on the wall, and viewed the selection of tattoo designs hanging in display racks. Many people came and went from the Emperor Tattoo shop; it was relatively busy. After about 3 hours, we were finished and very pleased with the results.
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